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Firsts visits of the technical team for land asse

With the aim of establishing the average price per hectare for different categories of land established by the technical team of the Self-Prevention project, began visiting 10 localities members of the EGTC Duero-Douro. By the time were visited grounds in Hermisende, Torregamones, El Manzano, Bermellar, Robleda, Vilar Maior, Vila de Ala and Adeganha. In all these places was manifested the wide availability of parish councils and Town Halls for the Self-Prevention project implementation.

Añadido en 20/01/2011


+ La AECT Duero-Douro abre en Robleda la primera explotación caprina del proyecto Self Prevention



+ Self Prevention Employment Opportunities

+ Sesión Informativa en Hermisende (Zamora)

+ Briefing on Sabugal (30/Janeiro 15h)

+ Completes the first phase of land valuation

+ Firsts visits of the technical team for land asse

+ Unanimous support to the Self-Prevention project

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Última Actualización: 2011-07-05 Nº Visitas: 31213