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The website www.self-prevention.com is owned by the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Duero-Douro (the Duero-Douro EGTC), located in Plaza Ejido s / n, 37173, Trabanca, Salamanca, Spain,
Please contact us, we have made available a form on the "Contact" section of the website www.self-prevention.com. This website aims to inform the general public and members of the EGTC Duero-Douro in particular activities, and services that our organization within the project develops natural boundaries.

Duero-Douro EGTC, in accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 on Protection of Personal Data (Act), guarantees the security and confidentiality of personal information provided by users. Intellectual property rights of www.duero-douro.com website and all its contents (information, documents, pictures and illustrations) are owned by the Duero-Douro EGTC. This entity must authorize the use by another of the same and should always cite the source of origin.

Duero-Douro EGTC reserves the right to make changes, modifications and updates its contents without prior notice. Access to web-douro.com www.duero and the use made of the information contained therein is the responsibility of the user. Unauthorized use of the information contained on this website, and any breach of intellectual property rights of the EGTC Duero-Douro, will lead to legal liability.



+ La AECT Duero-Douro abre en Robleda la primera explotación caprina del proyecto Self Prevention



+ Self Prevention Employment Opportunities

+ Sesión Informativa en Hermisende (Zamora)

+ Briefing on Sabugal (30/Janeiro 15h)

+ Completes the first phase of land valuation

+ Firsts visits of the technical team for land asse

+ Unanimous support to the Self-Prevention project

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Última Actualización: 2011-07-05 Nº Visitas: 34554